Thursday, January 15, 2009

Trash the Dress

Stephanie was my first "Trash the Dress" bride. While most couples are on their way to their honeymoon the next day, Stephanie was braving the cold waters of Lake Erie and trapsing through forests for these wonderful shots. What a lot of fun. Thanks Stephanie for the great shoot.

Stephanie and Dan

Jessica and Jacob

Weddings 2007/2008

As I am gearing up for the 2009 season of wedded bliss, I want to share my proud moments I was able to capture with these wonderful couples.

Cards, Announcements

I've never had so much fun outside of photography as I have creating these cards. Each one custom to the individuality of each person/child.

Baby It's Cold Outside

Seasons come and go but winter does not slow down the production of those cute, cuddly little creatures we call: babies. How fun it is to photograph them. Keeping up with the artistic side of photography, I'll add some of my custom made cards. Each photoshoot for children will include personalized cards. Enjoy, and I'm sure this will be updated frequently.

Funny Photography comic